We survive together or not at all

Baby Marcus is officially a walker!

I’ve been waiting to announce this because Marcus was still a little wobbly.  And the first couple weeks of trial and error definitely earned him the name “Lumpy”!  He still hasn’t caught up with his sister who can actually run faster than me, I think!  But… after watching him today he is finally walking more than…

I’ve been waiting to announce this because Marcus was still a little wobbly.  And the first couple weeks of trial and error definitely earned him the name “Lumpy”!  He still hasn’t caught up with his sister who can actually run faster than me, I think!  But… after watching him today he is finally walking more than he is crawling and walking unaided instead of using the walls & furniture.  He’s still got a little high-step going on but he definitely mobile now! 

Ellie has been walking for at least 4 months and Marcus only started really walking on his own in June.  So, this is a big milestone for him.  He’s also part mountain goat (if I haven’t mentioned that before) – he climbs on EVERYTHING!  He seemingly has no fear.  So, I’m guessing the playpen will be useless by the end of summer. 

 Ellie isn’t much of a climber but she loves to run, especially if I let her go outside — she’ll be all over yard in no time.  Marcus still doesn’t go to far in the yard because he doesn’t like the grass – so he usually stays in the driveway. 

Marcus finally being mobile has introduced a new game between the twins.  Chasing.  They now chase each other around and cackle like little crazy people when they catch one another.  I was laughing so hard the first time I saw them doing it I was almost in tears.

Today they were playing out on the deck getting some much needed fresh air & sunshine and they were having a wonderful time just taking the toys out of the pool and then putting them back in.  Then Ellie thought it would be a good idea to throw the toys over the edge of the deck.  So, somewhere in the bushes below the deck there is a little red ball… I’ll have to make Austin find that this week! 

Anyhoo, we are still unpacking, rather, I am still unpacking.  We got an air conditioner for upstairs which is working very nicely – definitely helping.  I think if I could get just one day to focus on unpacking I could probably tackle everything but I can’t be in 2 places at once.  So if anyone wants to volunteer to twin-sit so I can get stuff done I’d appreciate it!