We survive together or not at all

Here are some scary numbers

IVF Plan of Care Summary Sheet: Egg Retrieval Follicular puncture Oocyte ID Oocyte retrieval Culture of oocyte Sperm prep Sperm motility/count Pain medecations IV fluids Anesthesia Hatching or blastocyst culture Embryo transfer Embryo prep Embryo transfer Venipuncture Estadiol Progesterone Pain medecations ESTIMATED TOTAL:  $8,758  (not including labs & ultrasounds done at my local clinic, travel,…

IVF Plan of Care Summary Sheet:

  • Egg Retrieval
    • Follicular puncture
    • Oocyte ID
    • Oocyte retrieval
    • Culture of oocyte
    • Sperm prep
    • Sperm motility/count
    • Pain medecations
    • IV fluids
    • Anesthesia
  • Hatching or blastocyst culture
  • Embryo transfer
    • Embryo prep
    • Embryo transfer
    • Venipuncture
    • Estadiol
    • Progesterone
    • Pain medecations
  • ESTIMATED TOTAL:  $8,758 
    (not including labs & ultrasounds done at my local clinic, travel, or lost wages)

and there's more…  Miscellaneous Charges

Cryopreservation $646
Embryo Storage $24/month
ICSI < 10 eggs $1,545
ICSI > 10 eggs $1,803
Insemination of oocytes $700
Anesthesia $864 (average)
Medications $3000
Worst case scenario, total: $6601

So, for those of you contemplating this… expect to spend at least $15,000… plus travel, wages lost and the cost of local clinic visits for ultrasounds, labwork, etc..