LANSING, Michigan (AP) — Jack Kevorkian, the retired pathologist dubbed “Dr. Death” after claiming he had participated in at least 130 assisted suicides, left prison after eight years Friday still believing people have the right to die.
After watching the pain and suffering that my Grandmother endured before she finally let go this mortal coil, I am a strong supporter of the right to die effort that Dr. Kevorkian has tried to lead.
I think the laws in this country should be changed to allow people complete control over their own lives. The government and the church should NOT be able to tell me (or you)what to do with my body, not when, not how.
And, yes, I am also Pro-choice. Why bring unwanted children into this world. Why stay in a world filled with pain??
This falls right in line with Advance Directives as well. People should be able to document their wishes to die under certain circumstances and have those wishes carried out regardless of family opinion. Let people die with some dignity not with lawsuits. I have gone to great efforts to document my final wishes, right down to the anti-funeral arrangements. I hope I’ve instilled in my children the understanding and sense of responsibility to carry out my wishes verbatim when the time comes.
*End rant*