Inspiring speech and great philosophy on life and being optimistic, we really need more leaders like this!
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I especially love what he says about the benefits of taking action now even though you [we] may not live to see the fruits… (4:50)
This stuff may take a long time when measured against our lifespan, but 33 years in the life of the planet is a blink of an eye. You have to be prepared to pay the price of time if you want to change the arc of time. — Bill Clinton
I really believe that this applies not just to taking action on climate change or the benefit of our planet but on an even smaller scale with how we raise our children everyday and the legacy we leave them.
I also really love what he says right at the end about being optimistic… (54:44)
…are you a failure if you don’t win every game? No, you’re a failure when you quit playing. So that’s my message, I’m optimistic but I don’t know [what the future holds]. All I know is you gotta keep playing. — Bill Clinton