“I don’t ask for much, I only want trust, and you know it don’t come easy.”
It’s a feeling or maybe a sixth sense
It envelopes me in a spring breeze that belongs in the past
It revolves around me like a halo of smoke from a long ago cigarette
It teases me with the tender touch of a long lost lover
And I surrender willingly
For there is a peacefulness in that breeze
A hope of freedom in the smoke
A sense of understanding in the touch
For a moment, which is an eon
I feel alive
They try to steal my moment
They criticize my feeling
For this moment is reality
And my moment is but fantasty
But I will not forsake my feelings
Nor give up my moment
For it is my reality
No longer do I care for their trust
For my way is so much easier
I cannot talk to them
For they are hypocrites
I cannot trust them
For they are not worthy
If I were to tell them my thoughts
They would ridicule, criticize, laugh, and lock me away from their eyes
For they cannot be honest with themselves
So how can they understand honesty
One must lie to protect one’s feelings
One must lie to protect others
One must lie to conform to society
One must always lie to be accepted among liars
For if I told them the truth
They would see in me their own fears and fantasies
They would be naked to the world
They would be opened to the ridicule, the criticizms, the taunting
And some liar would come along and lock them away
So I do not talk to them
I do not trust them
For we all must lie