We survive together or not at all


  • What did you do after high school? Did you get a job, server in the military, go to college or a trade school? Something else?
    • I had stupidly gotten married at 18 right before going to AIT at Fort Gordon. When I left Georgia I went to Florida to live with my new husband. That turned out to be a shit-show of epic proportions. My Aunt Chuckie thankfully got me a plane ticket back home.
    • When I came back, I got my marriage annulled and started school in Ladysmith as an English major/Political Science minor. That also fell flat when I met my second husband and got pregnant.
    • After my Katey was born, I went back to school at WITC in Rice Lake as an Accounting major. Shortly into that a new program for Computer Information Systems was started and I switched majors. I went into early labor with Austin during a math test at MSTC in Wisconsin Rapids.
    • After divorcing husband #2 and starting to live my own life I went to back to college many times with no real end goal.
    • I have an Associate of Science in Computer Information Systems and an Associate of Liberal Arts (General Studies) from the University of Wisconsin. I also hold several technical certifications.
    • My up-to-date education record is here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cdfranck/details/education/
  • How did this time period impact who you are today?
    • Most of the choices I made as a young adult were focused on my kids. I wasn’t in a position to focus on myself until well into my 40s.
  • If you could go back, what, if anything, would you change about this period of your life? Why?
    • If I changed anything I wouldn’t have my kids so while there are things I wish I had done differently I probably would not go back and change them.

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