I have already documented these things and my boyfriend and my Dad and my lawyer have copies. There is also a copy in the lock box in my house. But due to recent insanity I feel the need to make perfectly clear to everyone who I did not give a copy to my final wishes.
My Financial Powers of Attorney are to be my current boyfriend and my Dad who know that everything I have is to be put aside for my children for their care and for college. All of my life insurance and retirement accounts name my boyfriend and my dad as co-beneficiaries on behalf of my underage children. All of my life insurance and retirement accounts are administered though my employer. I currently have credit insurance on everything so all of my outstanding bills should be paid upon my death. Whatever is in my checking account can be used to handle final expenses as described below:
I request that the following instructions and preferences be honored after my death:
Part 1. Body Donation
I have not made arrangements to donate my whole body. I do not want my whole body donated.
Part 2. Organ Donation
I have not made arrangements for organ donation. I would like my organs donated if they are viable.
Part 3. Cremation Instructions
A. Mortuary or Crematorium
I wish to be cremated.
B. Embalming
I do not wish to be embalmed.
C. Casket
I do not want my body placed in a casket prior to cremation. I do not want any unnecessary funds spent on the disposal of my remains.
D. Pre-cremation Ceremony
No ceremony wanted.
E. Witness to Cremation
No preference.
F. Where and How To Scatter Cremated Remains
I would like my remains scattered to the four winds.
G. Memorial Ceremony
I do not want any kind of funeral ceremony before or after my cremation.
Part 4. Person to Oversee My Wishes
I want my boyfriend to oversee the plans I’ve set out in this document.
I declare that I have read these instructions and that they accurately reflect my wishes for final arrangements after my death.