My home is full of books as was my home as a child. My children have access to literally thousands of books and we are frequent flyers at our local library. When I heard about First Book and their efforts to make books available to every child I just knew that was an effort that I wanted my family to become a part of. I am a true book lover and that love is something I try to impart to my children and something that I think should be shared with all children!! Everyone, everywhere should have a favorite book – something that inspires, comforts, entertains… something that lets us live outside ourselves if only within those pages!
via Facebook – Klaeber’s glossary definesaglaeca/aeglaecaasmonster, demon, fiendwhen referring toGrendelor Grendel’s mother. On the other hand,aglaeca/aeglaecais translated by Klaeber aswarrior, herowhen referring to the character,Beowulf.
First Book Virtual Book Drive!! | Aeglaeca on October 17, 2012 at 01:13PM
My home is full of books as was my home as a child. My children have access to literally thousands of books and we are frequent flyers at our local library. When I heard about First Book and their efforts to make books available to every child I just knew that was an effort that…