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Truth for sale! Top 6 lies Romney sold as facts during the debate on October 04, 2012 at 08:47PM

via Facebook http://current.com/shows/the-war-room/blog/truth-for-sale-top-6-lies-romney-sold-as-facts-during-the-debate – We might be used to politicians bending the truth at times, but during the first presidential debate between Mitt Romney and President Obama, Romney took truth-bending to a whole new level. Slick Mitt served up a fair share of misinformation but at times he told flat out lies.

via Facebook http://current.com/shows/the-war-room/blog/truth-for-sale-top-6-lies-romney-sold-as-facts-during-the-debate – We might be used to politicians bending the truth at times, but during the first presidential debate between Mitt Romney and President Obama, Romney took truth-bending to a whole new level. Slick Mitt served up a fair share of misinformation but at times he told flat out lies.