Romney = 100% salesman 0% substance…
via Facebook – I am surprised at the way people seem to think Romney won. Perhaps, if you measure a win by a cocky attitude, he won.
But if you measure a win by thoughtful and truthful presentation of a plan that will actually work…. The truth is, Romney ought not have bothered to show up for the ass kicking he just received.
See, I hear remorse, that Barack Obama should have been more terse, more stern, he should have brought a bigger can of whoop ass.
But wait?
Mitt told us, right off the bat in question 2, that he and his kids believe that repeating a lie often enough creates a truth. He believes he can say one thing (I love Big Bird) and do another (I’ll cut PBS).
The one tool Romney has is mistruth and showmanship. He is nothing more than a well groomed show pony. He has nothing but smart ass attitude and high stepping lies.This might be a winning combo for a dancing horse but not for my president.
Mr. Obama stayed calm in the face of a bald face liar. He presented us with honest answers and a plan that will serve our country well.
Mr. Romney lied through his teeth with great showmanship.
Bottom line, Obama won this debate and anybody who thinks otherwise ought to ask themselves again, why they think Romney won, because he acts like a winner or because he is a winner? – Sarah
The Bucking Jenny on October 04, 2012 at 06:53AM
Romney = 100% salesman 0% substance… via Facebook – I am surprised at the way people seem to think Romney won. Perhaps, if you measure a win by a cocky attitude, he won. But if you measure a win by thoughtful and truthful presentation of a plan that will actually work…. The truth is,…