We survive together or not at all

Happy Yule!

Yesterday the kids and I made effigies of the sun in darkness and hung them up. We named our suns using the names of different sun gods and goddesses. We learned a bit about how people from all cultures for all time have had respect and love for the sun. We talked about the dire…

Yesterday the kids and I made effigies of the sun in darkness and hung them up. We named our suns using the names of different sun gods and goddesses. We learned a bit about how people from all cultures for all time have had respect and love for the sun. We talked about the dire consequences of the sun not returning after this long, dark night. We lit a white candle and let it burn throughout the night to encourage the sun’s return after the longest night of the year.
I’m happy to reprt that the sun did return in all it’s glory this morning brining with it the light half of the year and the promise of new life. This morning we are thankful to the sun gods and goddesses for returning to our sky anew. We took down our pictures of the sun in darkness and replaced them with bright, shiny pictures of the reborn sun. Our Yule candle was still burning this morning and we know it helped to guide the sun back. 


Happy Yule!

Happy Solstice!

Glory to the Sun!

Welcome Winter!