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Birthday: November 29
Birth name: Cassandra Dale Swenson
Were you named after a relative or someone else of significance?
To hear my mother tell it I would have been Harley David if a boy and originally Summer Love as a girl. Let’s all just be thankful she came to her senses and neither of those atrocities landed on the birth certificate.
Cassandra comes from the Greek prophetess. Dale is my maternal Grandfather’s middle name.
In what city were you born? Are you trying to guess my password security checks??
What was your length and weight at birth? Uuuhh… less than they are now.
Were you born in a hospital? If not, where? No, I descended from on high… 🙄Yes, I was born in a hospital.
What were your first words? Geez, I really can’t recall, but fairly certain it was something like “waaaa”.
How old were you when you started to walk? I never asked…
How old were your parents when you were born? 17
How did your parents describe you as a baby? I never asked…
What stories have you been told about the day you were born? The main ones that come to mind are that the nurses kept trying to get my unwed mother to sign me away for adoption. It was very unacceptable at the time for her to have a baby outside of marriage.
I was also told that my Grandpa walked a rut in the waiting room floor and filled the whole place with menthol cigarette smoke. (Yes, kids, you used to be able smoke in hospitals…)
After I was cleaned up, the nurses thought I was jaundiced. They misinterpreted my Sicilian coloring for sickness until my sperm donor made an appearance.
What is a favorite childhood memory? I honestly don’t remember much from when I was very young. I remember clearly the jarring episodes that I would rather forget.