We survive together or not at all

Peace, Hope & Joy

Writing prompt: Take the words “peace,” “hope” and “joy,” and assign each word a persona: your lover, your neighbor, someone you’ve secretly admired, etc. Peace My Grandma In her life she personified peace because her God was always with her. She is no longer in this realm but she is always with me. Hope Someone…

Writing prompt: Take the words “peace,” “hope” and “joy,” and assign each word a persona: your lover, your neighbor, someone you’ve secretly admired, etc.


My Grandma

In her life she personified peace because her God was always with her. She is no longer in this realm but she is always with me.


Someone new

It’s a wonderous ability to be able to create life. I have hope that I will perform this miracle once more.


Katey & Austin

My children are the biggest and brightest part of my life. They are my pride and joy!
