I am frozen this morning! It isn’t actually that bad outside but, as usual, it’s like an ice-box in my cube. I’m actually sitting here wearing my musty leather jacket. I should be busy closing work tickets this morning but I just haven’t the ambition. It’s just like me to dawdle before lunch… or after!
This is a go-live day for the deployment of some new systems at our facility. So far, it seems to be going rather smoothly. I complement the technical people involved who brought it all to fruition. Normally, I would tease them all with a bit of smirk, reminding them how they couldn’t have done it without me, but today is theirs. Hopefully no one will squelch their accomplishment with one of those “what we could have done better” management speeches.
On a personal note… I finally got the ink refill for my monogramed turquoise pen. Unfortunately, I got a paper cut when I took off the wrapper. Ouch!
Okay…. that was silly. I was doing okay till that last bit. As you may have guessed I made up the part about the pen. But, all-in-all a good brain exercise. And we all know my brain needs exercise!