We survive together or not at all

June 16, 2013 at 11:04PM via Facebook

Well the downstairs fire alarm just went off…. No clue why, looked & sniffed all over trying to find something. So, I reset it and moved it to a different spot to see if it would go again after the hush timer ended but it didn’t. So I guess my house is not on fire.…

Well the downstairs fire alarm just went off…. No clue why, looked & sniffed all over trying to find something. So, I reset it and moved it to a different spot to see if it would go again after the hush timer ended but it didn’t. So I guess my house is not on fire. Nonetheless, I just ordered a new hard-wired combo alarm, should be here Wednesday even though this one is only 2 years old and the battery is fine. Better safe than crispy I always say…