Today in our world we lost two well-known women. An entertainer and a politician. I am dismayed to report that my Facebook feed was inundated with memes of the latter instead of images and quotes of the former. I think it’s a sad reflection on our society when a mousketeer is mourned more deeply than a Cold War leader and strong female role model. Of course, it might just be me… decide for yourself who made a bigger contribution to society. I am not saying one life is worth more than another or that you shouldn’t be saddened by both of these losses. I am just pointing out that focusing on the ‘bread and circus’ is what prevents us from seeing our politicians for what they really are and for holding them accountable. Politicians today are thrilled with where the focus lies because they know they can get away with murder while the majority of registered voters are glued to whatever tripe the entertainment industry distracts them with.
An entertainer and a politician.
Today in our world we lost two well-known women. An entertainer and a politician. I am dismayed to report that my Facebook feed was inundated with memes of the latter instead of images and quotes of the former. I think it’s a sad reflection on our society when a mousketeer is mourned more deeply than…