I’ve always been a music fan. While I have no real talent in that respect, I do love to listen to music. It has always played a role in my life. I was always able to find a song fit each situation. Of course, when I was growing up we only had three channels on television and for a lot of years only a 19 inch or a black and white set so sitting and watching TV was not really a pastime. I suppose we had a Nintendo or Super NES or something when my brothers were little, but beside me typing away on the Commodore 64 gaming really wasn’t thing. (This was before the internet, kiddies!) The point is, I guess, that music was my pastime — I had hundreds of cassettes (yes, cassettes!) for my much cherished boombox. Now I listen on a digital device like my iPod or PC or phone and the cassettes are long gone. I still have well over 300 some CDs in storage, and I am always buying more, and they all get transferred to my PC; not to mention the probably thousands of dollars I’ve spent on iTunes over the years. Well you can likely imagine the size of my music collection. Though most often I revert to the songs I listened to in my teens I definitely like to listen to and own some of the new stuff coming out.
It was while listening to a newer song (not hot off the presses by any means ‘cause I am OLD) that I decided to write this journal entry. Music still has the ability to make me emote. The song I was listening to made me feel nostalgic, remorseful, full of longing and regret… so many things. Then it made me laugh at myself that even after all these years I still feel the same way about some things or people that happened to me. I still find the same things attractive, I still have that same little nagging voice in the back of my head that I did 20 years ago… maybe people really don’t change?
The track changed and the next song fast-forwarded me to only a few nights ago and a ‘heated’ discussion with my boyfriend. I would probably send him a link to the song on Facebook as a statement but it would be completely lost on him because he never listens to the lyrics or gets what I’m trying to say — but I would know, and the therapeutic effect wouldn’t be lost on me. A few years ago I made a mix tape (actually burned a CD) for him but he never really understood the message even though I thought it was obvious.
Anyhoo… I am probably going to reread ‘Love is a mix tape’ which I highly recommend if you ‘got’ anything I just wrote (but seriously be prepared to cry). Have a harmonious day!