We survive together or not at all


So we got about 7 inches of snow here yesterday.  Evidenced by the fact that it took me like 10 minutes to dig my car out of the parking lot when I left work.  And it didn’t appear that the city gave a crap because the roads were total shit all the way home.  Some…

So we got about 7 inches of snow here yesterday.  Evidenced by the fact that it took me like 10 minutes to dig my car out of the parking lot when I left work.  And it didn’t appear that the city gave a crap because the roads were total shit all the way home.  Some guy stopped by my house then last night asking if I wanted the driveway plowed out… where the hell was he 2 weeks ago?! 

Anyway, I had to yell at Austin because the kids saw someone pull into the drive way and start up the path and he ran to the door and opened it.  I had to yell at him not to open the door for strangers and reminded him of the this season’s latest horror story where ‘Santa’ shot a kid in the face when she opened the door.  He just looked at me blankly and didn’t seem to get it.  You’d think with all the crap this family has gone through that my kids would believe that people really do get shot and killed.  Whatever…

Thankfully, the guy I did find to do plowing a couple weeks ago had the driveway cleared for me before I got up this morning.  Didn’t even hear him come by.  So my driveway was all nice when I had to leave for work today.  Radio said that it was 10 degrees and sunny on the way in… which made me laugh.  The roads were decent so that was good.  When I drove home yesterday I had to take the long way to avoid any hills because my Kia doesn’t do hills in the snow!

Glad we have the day off tomorrow – I just want to eat some chicken soup and rub vicks all over myself.  I hate having a cold especially now when I can’t take anything for relief.  I think I’m gonna make a Starhoes run…