It’s funny how seemingly small, insignificant things can have such grandiose affects on a person. Headed back to work after lunch I walked passed someone’s garden that grows along the parking lot. Wildly overtaking the edge of the plot were wild raspberry bushes that caught my attention. I thought of all the times that I had been berry picking with my Grandma… all the times that my kids had been berry picking with her. A wonderful memory… but still a hard one. My eyes began to well-up and my chest got tight, I felt like I couldn’t breathe and it was all I could do to hold back the tears as I got closer to the office door. Those little things still catch me off guard even now – two years after losing her. As I sit here typing my eyes are filled with tears and I wonder when or if I’ll ever not feel this way. I’m not saying that I want to forget my Grandma I just want to smile when I think back instead of cry. She was such a big part of my life and the lives of my children I just can’t seem to let her go completely. I need to concentrate on work now and not this… so maybe the pressure building behind my eyes and the ache in my heart will fade for today.
It’s funny how seemingly small, insignificant things can have such grandiose affects on a person. Headed back to work after lunch I walked passed someone’s garden that grows along the parking lot. Wildly overtaking the edge of the plot were wild raspberry bushes that caught my attention. I thought of all the times that I…