Just saw the movie Snakes on a Plane… I am so completely freaked out that I can’t even say anything!
I was expecting some campy, third-rate cheesefest but I was totally surprised. There were a few cheesy parts (all taking place in the bathroom) but overall a pretty serious film.
First, there was actually a plot – not very deep, not one to make you think but there was a story.
Second, the snakes were freakin scary as hell! It’s been a long time since I’ve screamed and/or jumped while watching a movie. This one got me more than once.
There were alot of famous (and not so famous) stereotypes depicted in the passengers which added a bit of levity. And, of course, the main characters get to hook up at the end.
So… worth a watch. I’m not going to watch it again (because the snakes were just too much for me)… but definitely worth the rental.
My rating: