We survive together or not at all

My opinion on Upcoming Votes

Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006 – S.3504 During a week of debate on several stem cell bills, the Senate will consider this bill that would prohibit the practice of deliberately initiating a human pregnancy to obtain fetal cells or tissues. *Definitely agree with this one… we shouldn’t grow fetuses for the purpose of study.…

Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006 – S.3504

During a week of debate on several stem cell bills, the Senate will consider this bill that would prohibit the practice of deliberately initiating a human pregnancy to obtain fetal cells or tissues.

*Definitely agree with this one… we shouldn’t grow fetuses for the purpose of study. If we were to do that we would have to allow human cloning for ‘spare parts’.

Alternative Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act – S.2754

This bill would promote research into stem cells that are not derived from fetuses.

*I agree that we should be looking at all alternatives. If this research is going to save lives then we should leave no stem cell unturned.

Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act – H.R.810

The Senate is scheduled to take up this House bill that would require the Department of Health and Human Services to support and promote research on human embryonic stem cells.

*While I usually frown on government intervention in private policy I think this will promote research and development for the betterment of society.

Marriage Protection Amendment – H.J.Res.88

The House is scheduled to take up this proposal to amend the Constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

*Absolutely not! We should not write discrimination into our constitution! This is a civil rights issue and affects EVERYONE not just GLTB citizens.

Pledge Protection Act – H.R.2389

This House bill would give each state the authority to decide the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance rather than the federal courts.

*I could go either way on this… with the bickering about the references to God flying in the face of our freedom of religion I can see it being offensive to non-christian society. On the other hand, it is an outward representation of our loyalty and belief in this country and what it stands for and I don’t think that is a bad thing.

U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act – H.R.5684

The House is set to vote on this pact establishing a free-trade zone with the Middle East nation of Oman.

*While I do not know the details of this item or the politics of Oman I do think that we should consider cutting off all trade with the middle-east. Who better to reign some of these countries in than their own neighbors. Peace for free-trade… why not?

Check out other votes and political issues at Congress.org!